Chingudeul.. saya lagi mabok SMTB haha.. apalagi ama Magnae Jino.. just info.. namanya CHO JINO ! Kelahiran 17 April 1992.. golongan darah A sama kayak Kyu haha.. Check it out untuk lebih lanjut ^^

Oke.. saya lagi googling malem-malem nyariin info tentang Jino.. eh terus ketemu ini deh.. ini Pict Jino sebelum debut bareng SMTB.. kalau gw liat-liat emang beda nggak sih mukanya Jino ini ? okey itu mungkin pendapat per-individu hehe.. , kan kita pada tahu kalau JINO salah satu member “S.M. The Ballad Vol.1” gara-gara Pict ini para Fans lumayan terkejut juga sih hehe.. termasuk saya.. saya ini sekarang lagi tergila-gila ama SMTB.. khususnya Jino lagi wkwkwk..

Cuman info nih ya.. Jino ini adalah Trainee SM gara-gara jadi pemenang di SM Everysing Contest taon 2008 kemaren.. baru deh taon 2010 dia debut bareng SMTB yang juga ada Kyuhyun Suju, Jjong SHINee, ama Jay Trax..

Ini Pict waktu Jino menang di SM Everysing Contest taun 2008 tepatnya 2 tahun yang lalu hehe

Nah kalau yang dibawah ini.. Jino nya udah debut bareng SMTB.. Cakep banget kan ?? ahhhh Jino oppa na neomu Choaaaa kkkk..

Mari kita lihat perbedaannya antara sebelum debut ama sesudah debut

Ini ada pendapat para fans yang ngomong kalo perubahan Oppa kita ini sangat besar banget hehe

The fans were all very surprised by the change of him, commenting things like:

“I wonder how much weight he’ve lost”
“The change is BIG!”
“I can’t believe he changed so much! He’s so adorable now!!!”
“oh wow jino nice transformation.”
“He looks so nerd then”
“I really do love the pureness exuding from Jino. That’s probably the best to describe him. And of course, his adorable bright smile. It’s a pretty big change from pre-debut though.”
“It doesn’t matter as long as he’s cute now!”

Although the change is great, his voice is indeed something that hasn’t changed.
Here is a pre-debut Jino singing. Although the video is low quality, you can still hear him.

He had great vocals since back then, SM sure knows how to spot talents.

Anyway, here is a message of Jino to his fans, written in the photocard of “SM The Ballad”‘s album.
“I’m a new artiste, JINO, whom participated in “S.M. The Ballad Vol.1”. I feel very honored to be able to debut with my seniors. No matter when, I will be humble and keep learning. Though I’m still not good enough, please give much love to the teenager, JINO, whom loves singing and also “S.M. The Ballad Vol.1”!!”

Do you agree that the change is big too?

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