Yupss.. aku dapet award lagi nih.. thanks buat AMEL hehe

and here's the rules:

1. Thank and link the person that gave you the award.
2. Pass this award to 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic
3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won the award
4. State 7 things about yourself.

Berhubung aku bingung mau ke siapa ngasih Award ini.. jadi ditunda dulu ya.. aku bingung siapa yg mau dikasih hehe

And, 7 things to state about me :
Answer :
- Suka ngabisin pulsa buat internetan.. *buka aib sendiri*
- Verryyyyy like Lee Seung Gi dan Jung Yong Hwa.. and many more.. haha
- Suka banget nnton drama Korea, Taiwan, Jepang dan sejenisnya.. *cinta Asia nih gw* haha
- Dengerin music.. !!!
- suka Kpop hmmm..
- Cinta banget ama temenku hehe *Nineders*
- sayang banget ama Keluarga dan Tuhan pastinya hehe

begitulah sedikit dari beribu2 kesukaan gw., hehe..
Gomawo udah Baca-baca hihi :D

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