Jedarrrrrr Jedooorrrr.. Akhirnya Oppa ku tercinta bikin twitter juga.. YEYYYY
ayooo follow rame-rame AIREN Usernya @sbschadaewoong hehe.. tapi kalian rada bingung ya kenapa poto diatas usernya Chadaewoong ? itu karna setelah bikin twitter yg usernya Chadaewoong ini seung gi langsung ngeDelete acc itu trus langsung bikin acc yg baru yaitu sbschadaewoong hehe gara2x dia bikin twitter kan dalam promo drama barunya jadi harus nyisipin SBS di user haha.. trus kenapa nggak make nama asli buat user ?? Chadaewoong itu nama Seung Gi di drama barunya yg My Girlfriend Is Gumiho.. jadi gw ngenampilinnya poto twiiter pertama seung gi supaya Lebih History kekekekk

Untuk lebih percaya klo twitter ini asli.. Seung Gi nulis surat buat ngeyakinin klo ini twitter benerx real hehe.. kira2x gini Isi Suratnya

“My Girlfriend is a Gumiho” Cha.Dae.Woong twitter open!!

───── From Seunggi

Did you all sleep well?? Because I wanted to share some news with you, I’m leaving a short message this morning~^^

Hm… this was an idea I had been thinking about since the intial planning stages of the drama. Since we start filming the title and teaser today, I’m leaving a message.

I don’t know if someone’s done this with a drama in our country, but I’ve opened a twitter in the role of Cha Dae Woong.^^ I am thinking of personally sharing news about stuff going on during filming with fans of our drama.^^ γ…‹γ…‹

Because it’s not my style to be very good at this type of thing or to have liked this type of thing, and even though it’s very complicated and unfamiliar to me, there is a charm to this..^^ γ…‹γ…‹

In addition to Korean fans, Japanese and Chinese fans will be able to get info about behind-the-scenes stuff so please many of you follow along^^!!

Together, let’s try making a good drama, a joyful drama~~ γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹

Also, I will be using this twitter until the end of the drama, and put into your care that this drama portray a totally new and different aspect.!!^^*

I’m not sure how to use this and I’m still figuring it out,
but the address is chadaewoong!!^^*

“My Girlfriend is a Gumiho” Daebak Hwaiting ~~^^!!

Nah gitu suratnya..

tp kata oppa.. dia cuman bisa aktif twitter sampe habis syuting Drama Barunya ini huhu..

mesti banyak2x mention oppa kayaknya supaya dia ketagihan maen twitter wwkwk

Sekedar info.. gw posting ini dadakan banget wkwkw.. hari seung gi bikin twitter.. hari ini juga gw posting masalah ini wkwkw..

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