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5th album Tracklist [CONFIRMED]

August 1, 2011 at 12:45 AM | Posted in 5th jib (Album), News/Rumors, Wonderboys | 15 Comments

1. Mr. Simple
Electronic beat song, describing SJ FUNKY a combination between Sorry Sorry and Miinah.

2. 였페라(Opera)
A dance song with witty lyrics about Super Junior’s status, the most popular group mostly in Asia and spreading to the world. Meaningful and interesting lyrics.

3. 라라라라(Be My Girl)
A dance song with electronic sound

4. Walkin’
A pop dance song with trendy beat. Lyrics about keeping getting better even when it’s hard (I know I sound lame)

5. 폭풍(Storm)
A pop ballad, comparing love and parting with a storm. Sung by K.R.Y., Sungmin and Donghae.

6. μ–΄λŠμƒˆ 우리 (Good Friends) -> Acoustic. about Super Junior 6 years.

8. 기얡을 따라(Memories)
Yesung’s solo song. A song that fans who love “It has to be you” will like :D

9. 해바라기(Sunflower) <- Song written by Brandon Fraley, the author who wrote “My Only Girl” in vol 4 :D

10. μ—‰λš±ν•œμƒμƒ
A remake from a song in 1996. Jinu’s song.

11. Y
A song that Donghae wrote together with Chance. An R&B Ballad with medium tempo

12. My Love My Kiss My Heart
sung by K.R.Y. R&B Ballad. Even used timpani *it says so, though I don’t really know what it is*

13.[Bounce Track] (Bonus) Perfection

Source: Newsen
Translated by: @LittleAriel13 || Shared by @KyuhyunBiased, @WorldWideELFs
Posted by elf101586 (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

My sexy Jungsoo ♥_♥

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