yippiieeee.. dapet award lagi nih hehe.. thx to
http://amaliaameel.blogspot.com/ hehe..
- Thank and link the person that gave you the award.
- Pass this award to 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic
- Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won the award
- State 7 things about yourself
Answer :
- Suka ngabisin pulsa buat internetan.. *buka aib sendiri*
- Verryyyyy like Lee Seung Gi dan Vidi Aldiano
- Suka banget nnton drama Korea, Taiwan, Jepang dan sejenisnya.. *cinta Asia nih gw* haha
- Dengerin music.. !!!
- suka Kpop hmmm..
- Cinta banget ama temenku hehe *Nineders*
- sayang banget ama Keluarga dan Tuhan pastinya hehe
begitulah sedikit dari beribu2 kesukaan gw., hehe..
Gomawo udah Baca-baca hihi :D
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